ABC Advocacy

Community Listening Sessions
Understanding the real needs of our communities is the first step in developing impactful solutions to improve opportunity for African Americans. To that end, Associated Black Charities is committed to conducting listening sessions throughout African American communities, at which community members can share issues and concerns affecting their families and ability to obtain success. The results of these sessions will be brought back to use in consideration for identifying opportunities for outreach, programming, ongoing communication, and legislative advocacy.

Legislative Collaboration
Associated Black Charities seeks to build relationships with current and potential government and civic leaders to establish partnerships to conduct analysis of proposed legislation and policies affecting workforce using the “10 Essential Questions for Policy”. We further seek to provide training on racial equity to legislators and policy makers and to monitor the implementation of legislation/policies with a racial equity lens, track and report on/publish about the impact of legislation/policies affecting the workforce ecosystem, partner with other organizations that are advocating for policies/laws that would advance racial equity and help amplify their message, and publish thought leadership pieces that spread the word about specific legislation/policies with a racial equity lens.

Sound Bites & Scripting
Dialogue around race and racism can be difficult. Associated Black Charities wants to make sure public officials and others engaging in the creation of news content and advocacy work have the tools, words, and information necessary to regularly use language associated with racial equity when describing societal challenges. ABC can provide research-based information, impact statements, and compelling discussion materials to ensure confidence in speaking about dismantling racism.

Public Policy Impact
ABC seeks to frame policy issues by having an impact on the concepts, perspectives, and historical contexts that influence how people see and understand legislative issues. ABC wants policy makers to proactively seek out racial equity analysis on pending legislation. We want to ensure racial equity is more regularly a part of the public discourse around proposed legislation at the state and national levels. ABC additionally supports the integration of our “10 Essential Questions for Policy”.