ABC Support

ABC Equity Alliance
Advisory Councils
A segmented steering committee comprised of representatives from a prestigious group of organizations and corporations committed to advancing equity initiatives for African Americans, the ABC Equity Alliance serves as an advisory and sounding board for the Associated Black Charities leadership. Each of five committee advisory cohorts meets virtually quarterly in a setting that provides a forum for collaboration, consultation, and identification of emerging trends in addressing issues related to structural racism. In addition, each committee advisory cohort informs ABC’s initiatives and is apprised of event announcements, policy updates, and learning opportunities. A comprehensive alliance meeting involving all advisory cohorts will take place annually.
Board Pipeline Leadership Development Program
Associated Black Charities’ (ABC) Board Pipeline Leadership Development Training Program continues the organization’s commitment to developing a pipeline of professionals from racially under-represented communities to serve on organizational boards.
The Board Pipeline Leadership Project helps to provide the pathways of access and opportunity that promote equity, opening doors for an expanded use of the “time, talent, and treasure” that these individuals can bring to board service for the benefit of Baltimore and its surrounding areas and region.

Volunteer Career Mentoring Program
The Associated Black Charities’ Volunteer Career Mentoring Program is designed to meet the needs of low wage workers of color who have a strong desire for career advancement but currently lack the career advancement skills that would ensure their upward mobility.
The program design includes 6 career development and mentoring sessions, structured over a 6-month period.

National Ambassador Initiative
As of 2018, African American workers in Baltimore City were largely employed in lower-wage industries and occupations, tended to earn less than their white counterparts, and experienced higher job turnover. African Americans owned nearly half of all businesses in Baltimore yet employed only 2% of the city’s paid employees and accounted for only 1.4% of all sales. As alarming as these statistics are, similar numbers exist across the country where, like Baltimore, cities are predominantly populated with African Americans. ABC seeks to collaborate with organizations and communities by organizing national ambassador groups to support like initiatives to eliminate race-based structural barriers affecting Black communities.