Associated Black Charities is a racial equity organization that works as an educator, advocate, supporter, and convener to address and eliminate the barriers created by structural racism and to advance long-term solutions that create new opportunities for Black people to thrive.
A world that prioritizes measurable change in the lives of Black people and works actively toward the elimination of racial disparities resulting in improved outcomes for all.

Our History

Associated Black Charities was founded in 1985 to represent and respond to issues of special significance to Maryland’s African American communities. Concerned that needs within these communities were not being adequately addressed, a group of area ministers and businessmen came together. They envisioned an organization that would raise and distribute funds in support of efforts that targeted the needs specific to African Americans in Maryland. As a result, ABC was born with a $100,000 planning grant from the United Way, three staff members, a dedicated Board of Directors, and a cadre of volunteers and donors committed to giving their time, talent and resources to making a difference in Maryland communities.
Today, ABC is still advocating for people of color. We are leading the charge to close the wealth gaps that put so many African American families at a disadvantage in achieving the American dream. We are continuing to assertively and unapologetically address structural racism and to have positive impact on the African American Community.
We have a particular focus on economic equity because we believe that ultimately the outcomes benefit all citizens. We push for systemic investments and innovative data driven strategies; we influence and galvanize other organizations; and we convene and build the capacity of community-based organizations and nonprofits that are in pursuit of the same goal.
Our Legacy of Leadership

Mary J. Demory

Donna Jones Stanley (Baker)

Diane Bell-McKoy

Chrissy M. Thornton