Racial Equity Training
Many companies are beginning the process of holding a mirror up to themselves in order to uncover how systemic barriers, like racism, operate within the culture of organization and industry norms. Corporate citizens must make advancing equity a priority within its operational culture and business strategies. Corporate citizens must make advancing equity a priority within its operational culture and business strategies.
Corporations will require a shift in resources and pathways for promotions, hiring and access to services. Our communities are dependent on such shifts for economic recovery and for the Black workers who have been historically underrepresented in the corporate landscape.
ABC employs a racial equity framework – an approach to the world that involves:
Analyzing data and information about race and ethnicity
Looking at problems and their root causes from a structural standpoint
Understanding disparities and learning why they exist
Naming race explicitly when talking about problems
Developing solutions that reflect strategies to eliminate policies, practices, attitudes, and cultural messages that reinforce differential outcomes by race
ABC has designed a menu of engagement services that are brave, confidential, transformative, and transactional.
Our approach is to meet our clients where they are in their learning journey. We support corporate leaders, racial equity committees, and boards of directors to deepen their understanding of how their individual belief systems and operational business culture reinforces inequity for internal staff, committees, and communities served. These can be structured in the following ways:
Coaching For Executive Leaders

Racial Equity Readiness Coaching (RERC) for Executive Leaders is customized and designed to provide capacity support for the leader to build self-awareness and capacity to move the pendulum of change in advancing racial equity within their company.
Coaching includes eight 1 hour one-to-one sessions that will include a racial equity leadership assessment, review of racial equity literature, and a review of the leader's perceived role as an agent of change regarding racial justice.
Racial Equity Readiness Assessments

Racial Equity Readiness Assessments are for corporate entities that are establishing strategic benchmarks regarding advancing equity within their institutions and must consider their internal operating norms and culture. An analysis of a department’s culture can provide insight regarding the organization’s driving and restraining forces for change. The RERA will provide an analysis of operating policies, procedures, and protocols that reinforce inequality within business processes, hiring, promotions, and productivity.
Race Literacy

Race Literacy is one of the most important aspects of beginning a racial equity transformation and change process. The lexicon of race has layers of terms that can be misrepresented and conflated with other meanings. This session is designed to explore terms and concepts of race and the systemic function of racism.
Participants will engage in storytelling formats to enumerate examples of personal experiences and references to how definitions are operationalized. Participants will leave with race literacy competencies to begin engaging internal and external stakeholders in difficult conversations regarding racial equity.
ABC's Racial Equity Lens

Corporations can access our hallmark 10 Essential Questions that point directly to what data is needed to tell the organization’s story regarding their racial equity practices.
Choose one or more of ABC’s 10 Essential Questions for review with our engagement coaches:
10 Essential Questions for Workforce Development
10 Essential Questions for Employers, Business Owners, HR Professionals and Hiring Managers
10 Essential Questions for Policy Review and Evaluation
10 Essential Questions for Philanthropic Grant Making Policies and Practices
Measuring Racial Equity Values and Vision Statements

Corporations are creating outward facing racial equity values statements intended to message to communities, customers and clients that the business is aware of systemic structures of inequity and are deliberately addressing barriers and redressing harm. Unfortunately, these statements are often absent of metrics or benchmarks.
This work will provide a road map to curating public facing statements and goals, and developing measurements and racial equity scorecards.
Our expert trainers will follow up with you to discuss your needs.